The Dreaded Day After
Today was an awesome day to compensate for yesterday. Life gives you ups and downs, and what a sweet ride it is!
Chem in the first day scared me. I am teaching them Organic Chemistry, and there is a 10-page information and work package for them, combined with daily assignments. I made the decision to hand out the entire package at once because I feel that it would be very beneficial for them to have it all together later on, and I felt that if I handed it out sheet by sheet, they would get strewn about, and they would not have it all compiled together when they really need it in a few years. The downside is that others are moving ahead of the group, and then they are asking me questions on things that I have yet to teach. I stand by my decision; I think it was the right one. Today, I clarified and said that if you are working ahead on the pages, and you have a question, I will not help you. Unless nobody else wants/needs help, you will have to look at a textbook for some help.
I LOVE GRADE 12's!!! Two grade 12's missed the first day of Organic Chem. They came in the class, and instead of asking me to spoon feed them what they missed, they took the Organic Package, and sat down, and realized that if they didn't understand, they would need to get help later, and not rely on me for everything. However, both of them were astute enough to pick up on the organic nomenclature on the first day! I was quite impressed, and I do not have to worry about them falling behind. I have a very very bright class of grade 12's, and likely about four or five of them will end up taking Chem 240 in University, and will thank the holy heavens that I had taught them this in lowly Chem 30. Yesterday, when I photocopied their booklets... I stood at the photocopier and thought..."What colour of paper do I want them to remember this package as for the rest of their lives?" Such a decision for one small man.
IPs are working on websites now. Such a great way to end the year, with something they actually enjoy. They worked well today, with the exception of one student dropping an F-bomb, to which I was juuuust about to respond, when Randy stepped in and did the whole mean guy thing. I was thankful, because I am not good at being that guy.
Randy is including me in writing my own letter for nomination of "Intern of the Year". I can think of some people who would be against me winning, but I guess those people might not particularly know exactly what I've done this year. I guess most people know that I stay here most days until 6 or 7, especially during my 3-week block. Now, I am finding myself missing being at home as often, and I leave early. But I still work through most lunches, etc... bah, I have no need to rationalize it. Randy has been teaching 25 years, and said I am one of the best. That means something in itself :D
Marking is difficult, but I like it. I have lots of stuff to mark, even from small class numbers. I can't believe how some teachers can have 25 kids in 4 classes and get by. It's just crazy. That's all for now. I need to go home and eat a pint of ice cream.
Chem in the first day scared me. I am teaching them Organic Chemistry, and there is a 10-page information and work package for them, combined with daily assignments. I made the decision to hand out the entire package at once because I feel that it would be very beneficial for them to have it all together later on, and I felt that if I handed it out sheet by sheet, they would get strewn about, and they would not have it all compiled together when they really need it in a few years. The downside is that others are moving ahead of the group, and then they are asking me questions on things that I have yet to teach. I stand by my decision; I think it was the right one. Today, I clarified and said that if you are working ahead on the pages, and you have a question, I will not help you. Unless nobody else wants/needs help, you will have to look at a textbook for some help.
I LOVE GRADE 12's!!! Two grade 12's missed the first day of Organic Chem. They came in the class, and instead of asking me to spoon feed them what they missed, they took the Organic Package, and sat down, and realized that if they didn't understand, they would need to get help later, and not rely on me for everything. However, both of them were astute enough to pick up on the organic nomenclature on the first day! I was quite impressed, and I do not have to worry about them falling behind. I have a very very bright class of grade 12's, and likely about four or five of them will end up taking Chem 240 in University, and will thank the holy heavens that I had taught them this in lowly Chem 30. Yesterday, when I photocopied their booklets... I stood at the photocopier and thought..."What colour of paper do I want them to remember this package as for the rest of their lives?" Such a decision for one small man.
IPs are working on websites now. Such a great way to end the year, with something they actually enjoy. They worked well today, with the exception of one student dropping an F-bomb, to which I was juuuust about to respond, when Randy stepped in and did the whole mean guy thing. I was thankful, because I am not good at being that guy.
Randy is including me in writing my own letter for nomination of "Intern of the Year". I can think of some people who would be against me winning, but I guess those people might not particularly know exactly what I've done this year. I guess most people know that I stay here most days until 6 or 7, especially during my 3-week block. Now, I am finding myself missing being at home as often, and I leave early. But I still work through most lunches, etc... bah, I have no need to rationalize it. Randy has been teaching 25 years, and said I am one of the best. That means something in itself :D
Marking is difficult, but I like it. I have lots of stuff to mark, even from small class numbers. I can't believe how some teachers can have 25 kids in 4 classes and get by. It's just crazy. That's all for now. I need to go home and eat a pint of ice cream.
Congratulations on an excellent internship, Dan. Great work. I hope you get the award ... if not, the nomination is worth bragging about.
Thanks Alec, I think so too!
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