If you see Kay, tell her I love her.

Interesting line from a song "If you see Kay, tell her I love her". You may not notice it at first, but "F-U-C-K, tell her I love her". Yeah... sneaky Aerosmith, sneaky!
It's 2:04am Tuesday morning. I've yet to go to sleep, and I teach in 6.4 hours. But I came to a realization tonight. I can do this. I'm looking at my daybook for the next week. And it is a piece of cake. I can do this! I can not only do this, but I can THRIVE while doing so! I've got page after page of notes on what I'm going to do, but it's all going to fall into place so well, I can see it now.
Thus begins my three week block. I almost got nothing done today because my cute kitten was sitting on my daybook and it broke my heart to move her, it did. See the above picture. I knew my material was boring, but falling asleep on my daybook? Come on, Sami, you're killing me! :)
I've come to the realization that the three-week block is HARD for interns who actually care. Those who don't can easily get by, planning day to day, being stressed, thinking "Why did I go into teaching?" But those who love it, and were called to this profession for all the right reasons get a little stressed out, but enjoy every minute of it because they love being a part of these children's lives, selflessly giving their sleep time and family time to be educators. I salute you!
This long weekend was completely invaluable to me for planning. Next weekend will feel like a long weekend because I hopefully do not have to referee floor hockey, and even if I do, it's only a half day because of Grey Cup (Go Riders!! hahaha... DE-stroyed).
Students continuously do not hand in the online blog assignments (http://mrbenesh.edublogs.org), and then say, "I forgot". Well, I have a solution and it involves me caring juuuuuust a little bit less than I have been in the past. 10% per day off, no more reminders from me (unless I forget to not remind them), up to a max of 50% off. If they choose to do it more than 5 days later, the most they can get is 50%. And then they can submit them whenever. I think that is very fair.
I talked to my mom today. I love her. I told her my whole love life story. She laughed, and is happy I'm more on the right track than I was before.
I am also starting a class Flickr site (picture hosting). I would appreciate anyone reading this to check it out around Wednesday - Friday of next week, and post some comments on the students' pictures that you see there. Here is the link to that: (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrbenesh7) Thanks.
Well, ten solid minutes of typing. I had a great Saturday with my Leafs winning, watching a hilarious movie, in nothing but the best of company. I hope to do the same this weekend. And the next. And the next.
not aerosmith, its from a novel Ulysses by James Joyce
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