3 week block synopsis - 2

Seeing as I am writing this on Saturday, I don't remember day to day exactly what's going on, but it was generally a great week.
I took my CPT's from making various little shapes and things, to making stuff like this: http://uregina.ca/~benesh2d/fish1.gif. (sub in fish2.gif, fish3.gif... etc...). Thank you Cara for the fishbowl idea, it worked out great!
My IP's finished up with their photography unit. See all their pictures here and here. Then we started databases. Likely one of my lesser-knowledgable subjects, but I know enough to teach it to them, and it's going well. Some are advanced, and some are slow, and most say "why do we need to learn this" etc... but it's school! So deal with it. I find myself CRAVING my lunchtimes because I can prep and mark, and just get that mental break. Every morning I am teaching all 3 periods, so I never get to sit and rest. Advice to interns or prospective teachers reading this: Prep your entire week on the weekend, so your week can be spent marking and staying SANE!
My Accounting class is quickly becoming a favourite of mine. Again, range of skills, but it's such a yes/no, cut and dry kind of subject. I love computerized accounting. It is just so wickedly awesome, easy to mark, easy to do, and so crucial to their accounting education. I am sort of sad that I only have one week left of it, because there is more that I want to do with them. But, I will still be happy when they are done and I can get back to being on MSN all day at school :)
Lastly, my CCH class is coming to the decently fun stuff. They all just wrote me a personal letter (about school, interests, made up stuff, whatever) and they were more than a joy to read. Some of them made me laugh out loud for various reasons. I just... wow, these kids are so funny and they don't even know it. I can't wait to show some of my fellow Biz.Ed's the "quality" work! (I could piss more coherant letters!) Just over one more full week to go, and then it's back on easy street with school. This is just great.
Friday night, I won this mini-poker tournament... well, I split 1st place money with the guy. Profited $135. That will support me for a couple weeks, basically, so long as I keep not-spending like I am right now. And tomorrow I get to referee an entire day of floor hockey, so that should be fun again. That is why Saturday night consists of me sitting at my computer, planning for the following week of school.
I have a crush ^_^
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