More talking

I guess the most important note from last week was that my faculty adviser Cyril Kesten came out to visit me in class, and watch me teach. He said what I was doing here was really great, and basically was happy about how things were going. He asked me when I was leaving Martin. I said "I don't understand". He said "Well, you are only obligated for 14 weeks." I said, "I was not informed of this." He goes, "Well, now you are. So when are you leaving?"
I already have commitments right until Dec. 22nd, and plus I am loving it, so why would I leave? I might start ditching out of school early, and coming to school late though... hahaha... hmmm...
14 weeks means I could have been done my internship on around Wednesday, Dec. 13 instead of Friday Dec. 22.
Note to prospective teachers, and ok, well anyone with a stressful life. Make a week of lunches on Sunday night. It is amazing how much money you can save and how much you will start looking forward to lunches (even moreso!). This week, same with last week, I made 6 packs of noodles and a large portion of mixed mini-vegetables (baby corn, baby peas, baby carrots), and, when both were thoroughly cooked, divided them up into 5 containers (because I'm a big eater) and froze 4 and kept one out for tomorrow. If you can deal with such monotony (try different spices, vegetables, flavours if you need), then you, too, can spend only $0.60 to make a lunch, too! Or spend $7 on a sub every day... hmmmmmm.... (too many brackets?)
This picture was clearly taken by a talented photographer.
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