Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This is not what I signed up for!

I should have just stuck to coaching hockey... It is now 6:20am, and I am awake, showered, and ready to leave for volleyball practice at 7:00am. Who in their right minds wants to come to school an hour and a half early for practice? Apparently these guys do. It is just insane. Last night I went to bed at 9pm after being at school till 8:30. How is this gonna fly when I have 4 classes? Oh wait, it isn't... because I wont pick up 4 until it's all over. Ok, this is ok, I will survive.

Everything else is great, won a bit of money on the weekend in my last poker this year, read the Major-General's poem ('s_Song) -- hilarious and awesome to say super fast! Makes me laugh every day. Basically, things are ok and looking like they'll be ok, or better than ok, in the very near future.

The students are respecting what I have to say about keyboarding, and it just couldn't be better. They are all learning how to touch-keyboard, and it's just a dream. Today, I get the day 2 kids, so we'll see how well they do. Gotta jet.



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