Saturday, September 02, 2006

First "real" class under my belt

Mayhem! Is how the first real class began. Half the students couldn't log on, the other half kept wanting to know "what do i do next?, what do I do next??". So, new plan: use a daily organizer, and hopefully now everyone's login issues are fixed.

There is nothing in school right now that pisses me off than these god-damned young girls and their god-damned bad attitudes. They think they fricking own the place, and now I'm gonna have to lay down the law. SO I need to practice some law laying skills first. Anyway...

I think my students generally like me and respect me as the teacher, and most are actually listening to me and taking my keyboarding suggestions to heart. Here's a concern of mine right now: some students can already keyboard, and/or you can just sorta tell that they are better than the rest of the group. I am thinking about setting them off to the side and having them work on their own with timing sheets and skill builders and/or a computer based keyboarding program so that they are not deprived of growth as well.

It's kinda funny in my class. I've got quite the range of students... I've got the typical goodie-goodie, right up in the front middle, always listening to me, and doing everything I say, except going ahead juuuust a little. Then there's like the loner kid who is scared of grade 9 and doesn't have any friends in this class so he's just sitting far away. Then there's the bad girls in the back who talk when I am talking and complain that they don't like this class. Then there's the popular guy who is so cool that he's already chatting up the cute girl in class. It's cliché city!!

I am now in the process of making my own keyboarding manual so that I have to photocopy less, and I can do it all in one fell swoop and then be DONE for prep for this class. That would mean that all I need to prep for is all my other three classes, and, oh yes, volleyball.

Well, next week might be busier with v-ball and 5 full classes, but it should still be quite interesting and fun, as usual.

Dan out


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