Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It's blogging time

Oh my lord, what a busy few days. I offered to teach volleyball, and it has yet to even start, and it has already taken up a very important hour of my day. Also, why do teachers like to talk so much? I ask one question about CPT (Communications and Productions Technology) and she talks for 30 minutes! Oh man. Volleyball is going to be like every day for the next two months. I'm stressing a bit now about teaching all these classes, but I feel confident that other people are confident in me. Some of the material teaches itself while I am there more as a guide and an answer to more difficult questions.

My cat Sami is doing great. She's a big cuddler, but sometimes wakes me up with her incessant biting then licking biting then licking. I built her a scratching post which she absolutely loves. Sometimes, I have to lock her out of my room if I want to get some real work done, but then she whinewhinewhines and I let her back in.

I'm all planned for my first few days. My cat keeps eating stupid pieces of fuzz. My mind is a whirlwind and I really just want to get teaching so that I can have something that makes sense again like a lesson plan and then some prep time. Like shit... now I have to study volleyball to make sure I am half decent at it. GAH. Atleast I am not as stressed as atleast one other intern :P



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