Saturday, January 20, 2007

More $$$, but STOP already!

Well, I made $1700 two days in a row. That makes for a $6400 USD month only 20 days in. My record is $9600, and I have no doubt I could do it, but $3000 at a cost to my schooling is NOT WORTH IT! Therefore, I cashed everything out and I am not playing for a little while, until I learn how to manage my time better, and/or get a little ahead on my assignments.

This is particularly because the Education Job Fair is MONDAY, and I need to re-vamp my resume before I go handing it out to people. Also, I need to fill up my portfolio in case anyone decides they want to look at it. And just, all in all, get in the right professional attitude, attire, and mindset. This is a big opportunity for me. The money certainly didn't hurt, and in fact, really helps my new years resolution of ending the year only $30,000 in debt.

Talked my Dad into giving me a portion of the rent money, because if I were living in the suite, which I have every right to, we would be getting nothing extra. Also, James lived there, not only didn't pay rent, but also had a 2nd party, for which we would charge actually $600/month! Anyhow, I now get $100 of the $500 rent. I also tutor CS now every Friday for $15/hr. The poor guy says he understands NOTHING about C++, but I can tell he has potential, just no confidence and low computer and low keyboarding skills. Therefore, my monthy income is now $100 (rent) + $240 (reffing) + $120 (tutoring) = $460. My monthly fixed expenses are: $60 (cell) + $120 (gas) + $270 (payment on debts) = $450. Perfect, that leaves me $10 for discretionary spending! That's not even one night at the Broken Rack. *sigh*

I doubt I'm getting much pity after my latest run of poker, and I don't blame you. Alas, it's Saturday at 2pm, and I just woke up, and I have to read a lot of things for Monday (and even RESPOND to them :( ) so I am done this for now.



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