Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Life is all about money and school right now. School - have class in 1 hr, woke up a while ago and spent the last two hours trying to get different insurance for my bank loan, because I'm paying $66 a month, and I'm not going to fucking die!! Give me a break! What a waste of money. Anyway, waiting for a call back on that one.

On a happy note, made $3500 in the first half of January, but it's starting to interfere with school and I'm getting sick of it, so I am going to quit for a bit and just focus on school instead. I won't think about poker until my Vegas trip (Feb. 18-21). Should be a blast!

Classes are meaningful and fun and keep me awake. I am going to destroy my Chem class, it's like my one thing in life that I just HAVE to do. I want the highest mark in the class, bar none. I've never had to re-take a class before, but for some reason, it's not boring, it is more like "sweet, I know this, this is easier" but I still feel very dedicated to it.

I hate when creditors ask me, "Do you have a job?", because it's like YES poker IS a job you asshole! But really, it's not. Hah... so no, kind sir, I don't have a job. Give me 4 months, if you please. Speaking of which, I have to apply shortly for the papers and stuff needed to become a substitute in late April or early May.

I have a bad feeling that I am going to just accept a permanent position as soon as it comes my way in Regina, and I am not going to end up going to Australia. It is hard to turn down that kind of money when you are my age, and your family is here, and your friends are here, and your big TV is here. If someone just says, "Hey! Work 10 months out of the year, take all stat. holidays off, and we'll give you $40,000." I might be forced to say, "uhh... okay". Because right now, $40,000 would be sweet, and if I played my cards right, that would take me right out of debt. I don't even remember what it's like to not be in debt. Do you?



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