Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ah Life

I forgot how great it is to just sleep and never set an alarm.

I forgot how much it sucks to sleep so much and dream about things you can never have.

What a trade-off.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Heh... Internship ends, old life returns

Well... Dec. 22 rolls around and as quickly as it began, internship is now over. It was sad leaving the school Friday... very sad. I cleaned up my desk, and it looked so empty, and I felt so empty leaving that school. In these 4 months, I became exceedingly close with my co-op, Mr. Randy Labatte. I am happy to know that he and I will be friends for a long time. Once I cleaned off my desk, I left him a note on it that said "Looks so empty... I'll miss ya big guy!!" On the way out of the school, the Jr. Girls were practicing basketball. A few of the girls were from my very first CCH class, and I told them I was sad because I was likely not going to see them again. So, one gave me a hug and one gave me a cookie from her mom. Ah, man, what a profession!

Friday evening was likely the best night of my life. I had to miss my poker league (again) and the guy who was a few points ahead of me got 15 more points, so now I have to catch up 20 in the new year. But, to make up for it, at 2:30am when I wasn't tired, I grinded away at 1/2 and 2/4 limit on Paradise Poker, and made $200. What a great way to finish that already awesome night.

Saturday was a day filled with tournaments and shopping and cleaning. Starting with the tournaments... I was in a tournament that could have taken me to Australia for a $12,000 poker package. Alas, my QQ ran into AA. Then, I was in another tournament to do the same thing. I got JJ in my first hand. It felt like a set up, so i just called a raise. The flop was AKx, so I had to lay it down when the guy bet out huge. Then, (blinds are 10/20) first position raises to 320, another guy calls 320. The pot is almost 700 now, and I know my JJ are good this time, so I push all in. The first guy calls me with AK, and the other guy folds. I still stand by my play as being the correct play. However, when the guy flops the nut flush, it doesn't feel like it anymore.

Then, I cleaned up the entire dining room with my dad. It looks very good, and I don't feel like I'm living in filth quite so much. Next is kitchen, then living room. PS. I love Swiffer WetJet.

Once cleaning was done, I went out to find a present for my mom. I couldn't. So I am finding something on eBay and giving it to her late. She has no problem with that. Or I could just go to WalMart right now... hmmm...

When I came home, it was 8pm, so I watched the rest of the Leafs losing to Washington (nice attempt at a comeback, though), and then sat down for some hardcore poker. I "referred" my father to online poker (more like created an account for him so I could get the bonus), and then proceeded to play 5 tables at a time for 3 hours (equalled about 1600 hands of poker, if anyone is wondering). It was just nuts. You know the line, "you never count your money, while you're sitting at the table. There'll be time enough for counting when the dealing's done."? Yeah, well that's what I did because I had no time to do anything but play cards. Once I finally earned all of the $50 bonus money, I transfered all the money back to my main account, and all of a sudden it said I was at $925???? I started last night at 2:30am with $200. That means, in the span of 24 hours, by the time I finally quit playing, I had profited $700 from low limit poker (about 90% of it was 1/2 and 1/2 shorthanded). Anyone who plays poker will see just how ridiculous that is!!

Likely the best part of this day was at 4am, just after I went to bed, Dustin finally booked his Vegas trip with me. Feb. 18-21 I am officially going to be in Las Vegas, unless I am dead. I made the flight itinerary unchangable (to save $14) and I am not checking any baggage (to save $10). Ruff!! How cheap. But also, it means that plans can never change. And sometimes... THAT'S GOOD!!!

Oh yes, so my account was at exactly $1000 when I quit. I cashed out $900 and I will start this whole fun process again when I get the urge to play again. Right now, I'm poker'd out!


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Real speech again! (no poetry, I promise)

Well, anyone reading that has had enough of it, I'm sure. No more poetry for a while. Things are clear in my head now. I haven't really blogged in a while, because I normally blog about problems, but lately there have really been none. My biggest problem is that internship is 2.5 days away from being over, and it makes me sad.

The principal was supposed to come watch me teach a class last week, but he forgot. That was okay, anyway, I would have wanted him to watch a better one than that. Now, he's coming to watch my Chem class today. I brought my laser pointer, so now I can walk around while I talk, and I can keep silence better. It's going to be sweet!

I bought chocolates for the three greatest ladies ever at Martin. I am going to miss them sooooo-o-o-o much. In fact, I am going to miss everything, really. I can't wait till I have my own classroom. In April. 4 months... ahhh.

Last night, I formatted and re-installed Windows and Office on two older-ish computers. Both ran like brand spanking new; I just love how XP runs when you first install it. That's my dad's Christmas present, combined with a cleaned up and modernized "office" room, and a new keyboard and mouse. He's going to love this Christmas because he has raised two great sons who buy him such useful, and smart gifts. I really hope he turns his life around soon. Last night, he drank himself silly, and spilled a potted plant in celebration of his birthday. How super.

Ahhhh I can't wait for the weekend. I'm excited to be done, and I'm not! This week is just so full of emotion and anticipation and all sorts of things! I'm sure I forgot lots in here, too. I've been busy.

Dustin overtook me in the poker points race, but I will re-overtake him whenever the next event is.

I got a reference letter from Ms. Watt, the lady that I taught CPT for, for a few weeks. It's so sweet, I decided that reference letters make me cry. Hah... almost.


Friday, December 15, 2006


The snow, she falls and she covers the ground
Leaving not a blade of grass to be found
She covers the roads and covers the trees
Whiting out the world without saying please

Often things happen without permission
Life is not always of my volition
Snow, please continue. I doubt that it will
Spreading her evil bitchiness and chill

Why am I writing a poem about snow?
To tell you the truth, I don't really know
The snow, though, just stoped; I think out of spite
Eerily calm, in contrast to tonight

It's gonna be fun, I really do think
Starting at 6 with my very first drink
The first of many, in a wild night
With teachers and friends and bowling delight

I'm still kinda weary about this eve
Will she stay for it all, or will she leave?
Should I be tasteful and tactful and nice?
The beer might give me its own good advice...


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Theraputic Poetry Time

Poems are gay, you might all say
But it's often fun to blab some lines
that just spurt out, without a doubt
all my English skill combines

This week, for lo, has been quite a shocker
silencing me, when often a talker
dreams are sketchy, disturbing in morning
better now; they used to be quite boring

A good November has taken a fall
Saturday, top of the world, and all
Where Monday was just a horrible day
A great sleep showed it all would be okay

The week drags on, school keeps it exciting
Finding more time for reading and writing
Taking pleasure in prepping and marking
End of a trip? Thought I was embarking...

T'is not the season to be left alone
However, recently, I have been shown
There's more to life than just the head and heart
God, Almighty, can tear people apart

I find it sad every time I try
To comprehend this, I just wonder why
Things always happen the way that they do
Then life comes to call, and you just push through

Forget about it, until you are bored
Then try not to think about it. Oh Lord
This all seems so pointless, who reads my posts?
Nobody really, I say, "adios".

For now, to sleep, because there I can dream
For there, things are not always what they seem
Life, with its ups and its downs and its flats
I'm going to end up marrying cats

They like to cuddle, do not fret upon
In which religion your beliefs had spawn
Still, they can't do half the things that you do
Amazing in just weeks, how much we grew

It is sad to have us end up like this
We had something great from our first fun kiss
If this is the end, then let it be quick
just like a drug, you're a habit to kick

If kicking is what I am forced to do
it's cutting a flower before it grew
I'm no longer hurt, just a tad confused
and perhaps my ego is a bit bruised

Aside from that, I want us to be friends
I don't think this is where our saga ends
This poem, however, has worked some wonders
Please excuse my grammatical blunders

:) Danny

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Dreaded Day After

Today was an awesome day to compensate for yesterday. Life gives you ups and downs, and what a sweet ride it is!

Chem in the first day scared me. I am teaching them Organic Chemistry, and there is a 10-page information and work package for them, combined with daily assignments. I made the decision to hand out the entire package at once because I feel that it would be very beneficial for them to have it all together later on, and I felt that if I handed it out sheet by sheet, they would get strewn about, and they would not have it all compiled together when they really need it in a few years. The downside is that others are moving ahead of the group, and then they are asking me questions on things that I have yet to teach. I stand by my decision; I think it was the right one. Today, I clarified and said that if you are working ahead on the pages, and you have a question, I will not help you. Unless nobody else wants/needs help, you will have to look at a textbook for some help.

I LOVE GRADE 12's!!! Two grade 12's missed the first day of Organic Chem. They came in the class, and instead of asking me to spoon feed them what they missed, they took the Organic Package, and sat down, and realized that if they didn't understand, they would need to get help later, and not rely on me for everything. However, both of them were astute enough to pick up on the organic nomenclature on the first day! I was quite impressed, and I do not have to worry about them falling behind. I have a very very bright class of grade 12's, and likely about four or five of them will end up taking Chem 240 in University, and will thank the holy heavens that I had taught them this in lowly Chem 30. Yesterday, when I photocopied their booklets... I stood at the photocopier and thought..."What colour of paper do I want them to remember this package as for the rest of their lives?" Such a decision for one small man.

IPs are working on websites now. Such a great way to end the year, with something they actually enjoy. They worked well today, with the exception of one student dropping an F-bomb, to which I was juuuust about to respond, when Randy stepped in and did the whole mean guy thing. I was thankful, because I am not good at being that guy.

Randy is including me in writing my own letter for nomination of "Intern of the Year". I can think of some people who would be against me winning, but I guess those people might not particularly know exactly what I've done this year. I guess most people know that I stay here most days until 6 or 7, especially during my 3-week block. Now, I am finding myself missing being at home as often, and I leave early. But I still work through most lunches, etc... bah, I have no need to rationalize it. Randy has been teaching 25 years, and said I am one of the best. That means something in itself :D

Marking is difficult, but I like it. I have lots of stuff to mark, even from small class numbers. I can't believe how some teachers can have 25 kids in 4 classes and get by. It's just crazy. That's all for now. I need to go home and eat a pint of ice cream.


Friday, December 08, 2006

3 week block synopsis 4

Well, that is that. 3 week block is done. Unbelievable how fast time goes.

Finished off with a nice test in my accounting class, kids did as expected, which is always a good sign. My CPT's did some nice animations, which you can view here. Then, my CCH's learned how to write reports. OMG they are terrible... but hey, they're only grade 9s. They are lacking severly in skills that they should already know like what things go into a report (intro, body, conclusion). So I find myself ALWAYS having to go one step back from where I think I should be starting. Which sucks for me, and for the smart kids that want to really do more.

My co-op is nominating me for intern of the year. Ummmmmmm...... yeah, that's exciting. And quite an honour. If I win, that'll be out of this world. I want to do something extra special near the end to solidify that, but the letter has to be in by a certain time, and I don't know if I will have enough time to do that extra special something before that time. So... I'll just go with it. It'll look good in my portfolio either way.

I also get to start teaching organic chemistry on Monday for the remaining 9 classes of school. Man, oh man, am I excited. I hope they are as excited as me to learn it (they won't be). I am going to get some more marking done, and then win more money at poker tonight, and then have a sweet day of tutoring and then a sweet night of floor hockey on Saturday. Sunday is more floor hockey reffing, and finish off with a hottub, and then get ready for some orgasmic chemistry on Monday. WOOOOOOOOOO.......... frick, I am really loving life at the present time. And Christmas is coming fast, and I'm excited to spend all my money that I don't have. Oh well. Good times.


Monday, December 04, 2006

3 week block synopsis - 3

Well. My IP group is becoming increasingly insolent, playing games all class, not doing any work, not caring about getting assignments done. Well, that is to say half of them are. They are in that mindset that being dumb is cool. Half the time. ARGH, it makes it SO difficult. They can work so awesomely well one day that you forget about the other five days there were a douchebag. Pardon my mouth, I've been drinking. The girls in that class are great. Except for the one that constantly lies to me telling me she's going to show up to class ALL week and get her stuff done, and then never shows up again. Why am I so gullible to believe her every time? I just believe that there is good in everyone, so I naturally believe what they tell me. Apparently, I have to learn to not let stuff like that get me down.

CCH. Well, hey, they're just grade 9s. So what if they can't spell, read, converse, etc... I've only had one semester with them :P They're getting better, and some wrote some fantastic letters and one page reports. Next class, we're learning how to do a bibliography. Something that everyone needs help on, even me! I like grade 9, because you are so much smarter than them that they really don't question anything you tell them. I like grade 12 because you aren't that much smarter than them, and they DO question everything you tell them! How strange...

Then my grade 10 CPT class. Well, they were more advanced than I could have dreamed, and apparently my co-op teacher in that class said I have given them a very good introduction into flash animation and next year they will be well on their way to designing some really interesting things! I really feel like I did something valuable with them. And I will post their final projects on my website, and post the address when they're done!

And lastly, my Accounting class is going much more smoothly now that everyone has got the hang of the computer program we're using to do Simply Accounting. All I have to worry about now is making up a good evaluation for them, and then I'm set. I am kinda sad to not be teaching it anymore as of Tuesday, but kind of not sad. I will be happy when I'm back down to my two classes, CCH and IP.

However, come Dec. 12-22, I am losing my CCH and picking up my Grade 12 Chem class (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! GRADE 12s!!!!!!!) But I loooooooove Organic Chem, which is what I will be teaching them. And yeah, so I'm pretty stoked about that. I hope I can give them a basic understanding of the nomenclature of Organic molecules. (I'm sure you all sound equally as excited as they will be).

Oh, and I won another $75 at poker on Friday. I am now leading the list of point getters in our little league we have. If I keep this up, I won't even need a real job! Heh.... on that note, I am starting to tutor someone in Chem20 and Physics20. For money. Because I need it. Badly. For Christmas.
