Saturday, October 28, 2006

Been a long time, been a long lonely, lonely....

I used to say I never could tell when I was drunk. And that was always true. However, lately, with age, I am getting better at knowing when I am drunk. My clue last Saturday was when I decided it would be a good idea to switch clothes with a fellow colleague of mine at the staff Halloween party. So I went there as a cowboy, and came back as a hutterite... or hippy. Or something... with hiking boots. Anyway, thank god for digital cameras (NOT!)

I recently cancelled my superstation package (I can't pay $20/month just for One Tree Hill, I just CAN'T!) However, that leads me to ask if someone else has it, and or wouldn't mind having me over to watch it Wednesdays, and/or tapes it and would lend me the tape?

There are about 47 teaching days left in my internship. WOW! How sick. Time just flies. I would actually not mind coming back to Martin once I have my degree, even if just for a few months before I make my planned leave to Australia (if that ever happens). Every so often, I just start to think that it might be easier just to convocate and get a job and in two years (with proper money management), I'd be debt free, and I could start saving for a house, get a real car, maybe a girl would like me, lol. Occasionally, I just feel like making my first year in Australia would be difficult having to pay for everything mysel... I would come back still in the same amount of debt as when I left (Approximately $40,000). Conversely, I feel that if I didn't go right away, I would never go, and I would miss out on that awesome experience (and possibly having a wife with an Australian accent *drools*). See what happens come convocation time...

Some of you may know I give up my entire Sunday to referee floor hockey. I also play in the league, and I'm really just reffing to simplify things since nobody else wants to. Last week, there were about 2 good games I reffed, and 3 bad games where all I got was flack. Eventually, someone said they were going to complain about me to the commissioner of the league, and I broke down and told them to "DO IT, PLEASE! Do you think I WANT to ref all day for $10/hr to get bitched at all day by 30-somethings who have been in the leage for 15 years?!" Like really... I'm new, but for $10/hr, what do you expect? If you expect more, pay more. This week will be more than really interesting... League meeting, and two very physical games are likely to take place.

School: Going well, coming up to crunch time with 3-week block starting soon. And with volleyball just ending (Don't want to get into it, I'm sad. We lost a very tight game to Miller that we totally could have won). I want to coach hockey, possibly, but I think maybe I should just chill and make the rest of the semester as easy as possible for me. But I really do love coaching. And hockey. *sigh* We'll see how I feel, how much I get planned this weekend, how willing other people are to ref on Sunday so I can have that day to plan, too. Och, aye.

Went shopping for one thing, came back with $220 of food and clothes, and other such stuff needed for school and life. Gonna make Dad pay for it. I need a real job. It's so weird to think that in my first year of teaching, I'm gonna make like $38,000 gross. But I'll get all my taxes back, too. So, I'll have a tax return of some large amount which will feel pretty sweet. And pay off some major debt.

Well, there ya go fans. Another update maybe next weekend.


Friday, October 20, 2006


Definition: insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct.

Contemptuous: Manifesting, feeling, or expressing contempt.

Contempt: willful disobedience to or open disrespect of.

I can not stand insolent students. Particularly when the same insolent students decide that they have no idea what is going on, and then request my help.

I know it's been 10 days since I posted, but I'm kinda busy, and nothing really interesting to post about. Just teacher stuff... just rolling along. Doing quite well. I have been well prepared for this, and as such I feel... well... well-prepared.

I did show up a kid today who said I couldn't have been a quarterback when I was younger. I threw him a long bomb and if he was running full speed he would have caught it. And then I drilled him with a cross pass right in the chest and he caught it and slipped on the icy-grass. HA! Anyhow. That's all.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Busy few days...

Okay, so Saturday I slacked off and slept a LOT, resting up for the evening where we planned on going out somewhere, but didn't know where. We went to O'hanlon's Pub, and then it wasn't very good, so we checked out Habano's, but it was too lined up, so we went back to O'Hanlon's and it was much better the second time around. Drank there, left at 4am after sleeping in my car for 2 hours so I could drive my friends home. Saw Sarah there... seeing Sarah makes me want to drink lol. Thanks.

Sunday, I slacked off all day and slept off the night before (13 hour sleep), and then went to Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's place. It was amazing. I came home and sat around all night. When flossing in the evening, a piece of my tooth came out. It was not fun. And it hurt like FUCK. Every time I breathed in, every time I drank, every time I ate. It hurt. I was in pain all day. Sleep relieved it.

Monday, from wake-up to sleep-time, I edited an organic chemistry package that I am going to be using in December. Why would I waste time now on something that I am only going to be needing to use in December? I don't know. But, a cool thing about it is that I spent about 12 hours (on and off) working on it, but it will give me about 10 days of teaching without planning for every single time I teach Chem 30. So that's cool.

Tuesday, I went to school early, but there was an accident on Sask Drive so I almost got there late. Called the dentist, and got an appointment. Ditched school to go get it fixed. Finally, no more pain. Came back, taught some more, ditched school early to get my new cell phone and meet a countertop guy, and a guy who is going to appraise my Nova so I know what it's worth (and SGI does too!)

My new phone also arrived from eBay. It is the same one that I bought from the kiosk for $700, but $200 less, and came with a bigger memory card, and lots more shit.

OKAY, now for the exciting stuff. My biggest (only?) joy right now is volleyball. My throat is killing me due to it, but I love it. We got blown out our first game, and played pretty poorly. 2nd game, we switched up a bit of the players, and it was a tight battle, back and forth, and we were down 5 points near the end of the game, but then our Captain served out the match with 7 straight serves. It was intense. They just don't start playing until they get down in points.

Third set, we went with the same 6 players that finished the 2nd set, and started off going down 6-1. We called a timeout to regroup, and by the switch (first team at 13) we were only down 13-10. Later on in the match, we are down 22-15, and feeling pretty discouraged. We make a key sub, and get a few serves in a row, and all of a sudden it's 22-19. They side out, it's 23-19, we side out, it's 23-20. Three serves in a row and it's 23-23, and we're just at an all time high. They call a time out, and we get right back out there, and finish it up in style! I was jumping around, screaming, going crazy. Best finish ever. I felt sorry for the other team, there was nothing they could do when we were on a roll like that. I am tired now, but still adreneline is flowing through me.

Watching Flip This House to relax... poor guys, people keep stealing from their job site. Power tools? No. A bathtub. Who steals a bathtub???

Anyhow... sleep

Oh yes, I'm teaching two classes now for the rest of the year. Huzzah.


Friday, October 06, 2006

One Tree Hill

Oh. My. God. After reading my last post, you might see how confused I am with stuff lately, and it's been really hard on me... But holy cow, I watch like four episodes of One Tree Hill in a row, and I'm just bawling my eyes out for two hours straight. Partially about the show, partially about stresses in my life. Like, I wouldn't have cried about either, but together I cried. I have no problem saying I cried. It's fun, I think. Does anyone else reading this like crying?

Mr. B


Well, I had a big post already written, and then the fire drill called us outside, so out I ran with my laptop. Being bored, I started to fiddle, and somehow thought removing the battery would be a fun idea... Well, it sure was, but then my computer shut off. So, I will try to mimic what I wrote, but I lack motivation now...

These last 10 days without blogging have been filled with lots of pain. I have found it hard to write a personal post because I've been so confused with a lot of things. Also, because this is generally supposed to be a school blog (as it IS titled "The Intern"), I felt like nobody would want to know about anything else. And I'm likely right, except nobody wants to know about anything probably. But I want to have some record of these FUN 4 months of internship. ^.^ ... Anyhow, I have been working on my Edublog as opposed to my blogspot, because my Edublog has to be done for my class to use as part of my Digital Internship Project. There has been little time to post, also, because a lot of this week has been testing testing testing out different sites that will suit my purpose. Now that I have found one, this next week should be a blast!

Lately, I've felt that school is about the only thing that makes sense in my life right now. I've been so distraught about a lot of things, particularly my friend situation. I'm busy, they're busy, everyone's busy, and it takes a real friend to get through all that busy-ness and make time for eachother. And that hasn't been happening. It's more like everyone else says "Here's when I'm free. You make time if you want to see me". And with me, it's like "I'm really busy, but I'll always make time for a friend". So, you see how I might end up feeling unappreciated and taken advantage of? Well, I do. Or how about asking someone to do you a favour, and the look on their face is like "Ugh, why would I want to do that?" whereas I don't even wait to be asked, because I'm offering favours! People tell me I'm too giving, and that I will forever feel like I'm being taken advantage of because few people are that giving. I just don't want to believe that. Pay it forward.

On that note, I "broke up" with two friends since my last post. One I was spending too much time with, and she had a boyfriend so that wasn't cool. The other is likely a more confusing and volitile situation, and definitely one that I can't really put into words. Sometimes, its easier to put all the blame on yourself instead of telling the truth to a person. Especially when you know the truth will hurt them to hear and hurt you to say it at the same time. And on that note, here's a riddle! Q: "What is one thing you can't really ask for, or you'll never really get? Answer: _____________________. You tell me, I'll tell you if you're right.

Randy (co-op teacher) and I just completed our first IPP (Internship Placement Profile). They are like teacher ratings and are done throughout the internship placement 1/4 done, 1/2 done, 3/4 done, and then at the end of the placement. I was harder on myself than he was, and initially I thought it was just one of those things where he would feel bad giving me poor marks. But he said, honestly, his interns normally start in the "fair - good" range, whereas I started in the "good - very good" range. He said that he found himself even giving me worse marks than he really thought, just so that it would look like I was improving. He said I was one of the most well-prepared, enthusiastic, and well-trained interns he has ever had. It was hard not to blush, but I was certainly beaming. I think I gave myself worse marks because I always have high standards in life, and even though I may come off as being outstanding in some area, it is sort of a façade, and I know that I can be better internally, I guess? Like I said, school is about the only thing that makes sense at the moment.

School, and floor hockey! Our team had our first games last Sunday (there's 3 mini-games), and we won one and lost two against a pretty good team. It took some of our guys a while to get the rules, and learn the tricks, but once we did, we shone. I now have an income, too, being the referee for the league gets me $300 a month. That's enough for me to live on, and not go more in debt... soooo w00t to that, although that's one less day to plan. And the other downside is my friend Brett has to ref my game, which means that he can scout my team, too. Haha... he's also vengeful and he thought that I reffed his game poorly, so he would ref my game poorly too spite me. I hope that doesn't happen, I was reffing his game legit, no matter what he thinks.

I got my organic chem package (Nic, I still need your book) from an old teacher-friend of mine, Mr. Flegel. He actually inspired me to be a teacher with one single line. Isn't that amazing the power that teachers have? That is one key reason that I chose this profession. I am going to edit it, and make it my own, and then teach it later in the year.

I had to park the Nova *tear* for yet another winter. October 2nd was Nicole's birthday and the Nova's death day. Until she is resurrected next spring. Wow... next spring... like the SAME next spring that I can fricking be a substitute teacher if I want!!! Holy bejeebus.

For thanksgiving, I am going to go to my grandma Annette's in Regina, and then out to my grandma Mary's in Dysart. I will be unreachable, likely, unless I can convince a paranoid lady that by connecting to her internet connection wirelessly, I am NOT stealing her personal information............. some people just don't get it, BUT at least I have the comfort of knowing that future generations just MIGHT with me as their teacher :)

That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed, I have to go to lunch with my fellow teachers. A nice 8" Ham-Pineapple-Feta-BananaPepper pizza awaits me... yummm...

Mr. B